Results for 'Jeri L. Little'

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  1. Multiple-choice testing can improve the retention of non-tested related information.Jeri L. Little & Elizabeth Ligon Bjork - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  2. Health, social class and African-American women.Evelyn L. Barbee & Marilyn Little - 1993 - In Stanlie Myrise James & Abena P. A. Busia, Theorizing black feminisms: the visionary pragmatism of Black women. New York: Routledge. pp. 182--99.
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    U.S. Health Care Values: An Historical Perspective.Marilyn L. Bach, Nicholas A. Bryant, Jeri L. Boleman & Charles N. Oberg - 1993 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 2 (1):141-167.
    Stark disparities exist in the United States' health care system. Thirty-five million Americans are uninsured, severely impeding their access to necessary health care. Concurrently, others receive health care services that are of unproven necessity and benefit. We assert that this situation is unjust and morally indefensible.
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    Ethical Decision-Making by Consumers: The Roles of Product Harm and Consumer Vulnerability.Jeri Lynn Jones & Karen L. Middleton - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (3):247-264.
    The primary purpose of this study was to examine the effects of perceptions of product harm and consumer vulnerability on ethical evaluations of target marketing strategies. We first established whether subjects are able to accurately judge the harmfulness of a product through labeling alone, and whether they could differentiate consumers who were more or less vulnerable. The results suggest that without the presence of a prime, subjects who depended on implicit memory or guess were able to detect differences in “sin” (...)
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    Unifying approaches to understanding capacity in change detection.Lauren C. Fong, Anthea G. Blunden, Paul M. Garrett, Philip L. Smith & Daniel R. Little - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (5):1266-1289.
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    Characterizing the time course of decision-making in change detection.Anthea G. Blunden, Dylan A. Hammond, Piers D. L. Howe & Daniel R. Little - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (1):107-145.
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    Race relations and the race problem: a definition and an analysis.K. L. Little - 1940 - The Eugenics Review 32 (3):92.
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    Racial mixture in Great Britain: some anthropological characteristics of the Anglo-negroid cross: A preliminary report.K. L. Little - 1942 - The Eugenics Review 33 (4):112.
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  9. The West African Town Its Social Basis.Kenneth L. Little - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (29):16-31.
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    Anthropological papers. New series. No. 5.K. L. Little - 1941 - The Eugenics Review 33 (3):88.
  11.  24
    Replication is already mainstream: Lessons from small-N designs.Daniel R. Little & Philip L. Smith - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Thomas Frederick Storer 1918-1961.Ivan L. Little & Bruce Waters - 1962 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 36:121 -.
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    The study of racial mixture in the British Commonwealth: Some anthropological preliminaries.K. L. Little - 1941 - The Eugenics Review 32 (4):114.
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    Iconicity in Signed and Spoken Vocabulary: A Comparison Between American Sign Language, British Sign Language, English, and Spanish.Marcus Perlman, Hannah Little, Bill Thompson & Robin L. Thompson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  15. Socratic Epagōgē and Socratic Induction.Mark L. McPherran - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (3):347-364.
    Aristotle holds that it was Socrates who first made frequent, systematic use of epagôgç in his elenctic investigations of various definitions of the virtues . Plato and Xenophon also target epagôgç as an innovative, distinguishing mark of Socratic methodology when they have Socrates' interlocutors complain that Socrates prattles on far too much about "his favorite topic" —blacksmiths, cobblers, cooks, physicians, and other such tiresome craftspeople—in order to generate and test general principles concerning the alleged craft of virtue. It is remarkable, (...)
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    THEOCRITUS' EPIGRAMS L. Rossi: The Epigrams Ascribed to Theocritus: A Method of Approach. A Method of Approach . Pp. xii + 417. Leuven, Paris, and Sterling, VA: Peeters, 2001. Paper, €63.60. ISBN: 90-429-0992-. [REVIEW]Jeri Blair Debrohun - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):30-.
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    Book Review: The Caring Self: The Work Experiences of Home Care Aides. [REVIEW]Deborah L. Little - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (2):256-258.
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    A show about nothing: No-signal processes in systems factorial technology.Zachary L. Howard, Paul Garrett, Daniel R. Little, James T. Townsend & Ami Eidels - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (1):187-201.
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    From no whinge scenarios to viability tree.Luc Doyen, C. Armstrong, S. Baumgärtner, C. Béné, F. Blanchard, A. A. Cissé, R. Cooper, L. X. C. Dutra, A. Eide, D. Freitas, S. Gourguet, Felipe Gusmao, P.-Y. Hardy, A. Jarre, L. R. Little, C. Macher, M. Quaas, E. Regnier, N. Sanz & O. Thébaud - 2019 - Ecological Economics 163:183-188.
    Avoiding whinges from various and potentially conflicting stakeholders is a major challenge for sustainable development and for the identification of sustainability scenarios or policies for biodiversity and ecosystem services. It turns out that independently complying with whinge thresholds and constraints of these stakeholders is not sufficient because dynamic ecological-economic interactions and uncertainties occur. Thus more demanding no whinge standards are needed. In this paper, we first argue that these new boundaries can be endogenously exhibited with the mathematical concepts of viability (...)
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  20. Roger Bacon essays: contributed by various writers on the occasion of the commemoration of the seventh centenary of his birth.A. G. Little - 1972 - New York: Russell & Russell. Edited by Roger Bacon.
    On Roger Bacon's life and works, by A. G. Little. -- Der Einfluss des Robert Grosseteste auf die wissenschaftliche Richtung des Roger Bacon, von L. Baur. -- La place de Roger Bacon parmi les philosophes du xiie siècle, par F. Picavet. -- Roger Bacon and the Latin vulgate, by F. A. Gasquet. -- Roger Bacon and philology, by S. A. Hirsch. -- The place of Roger Bacon in the history of mathematics, by D. E. Smith. -- Roger Bacon und (...)
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    Sex-contingent face aftereffects depend on perceptual category rather than structural encoding.P. E. G. Bestelmeyer, B. C. Jones, L. M. DeBruine, A. C. Little, D. I. Perrett, A. Schneider, L. L. M. Welling & C. A. Conway - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):353-365.
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    Toward a Credible View of Abortion.L. W. Sumner - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):163 - 181.
    As little as a decade ago most moral philosophers still believed that the exercise of their craft did not include defending positions on actual moral problems. More recently they have come to their senses, one happy result being a spate of articles in the last few years on the subject of abortion. These discussions have contributed much toward an understanding of the abortion issue, but for the most part they have not attempted a full analysis of the morality of (...)
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    The Little Clay Cart.L. R., A. L. Basham & Arvind Sharma - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):199.
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  24. Noka e Tlatswa ke Dinokana–A river swell from little streams: Responsive partnership-building approaches to development.L. Botes & D. Abrahams - 2008 - In Steve De Gruchy, Nico Koopman & S. Strijbos, From our side: emerging perspectives on development and ethics. South Africa: UNISA Press. pp. 117--134.
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    J. L. Schellenberg: Religion after Science: The Cultural Consequences of Religious Immaturity: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 143 pp, $67.71 (hb.), $23.59.Sabrina Little - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (2):223-227.
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    Phenomena of awareness in dementia: Heterogeneity and its implications.Ivana S. Marková, Linda Clare, Christopher J. Whitaker, Ilona Roth, Sharon M. Nelis, Anthony Martyr, Judith L. Roberts, Robert T. Woods & Robin Morris - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 25:17-26.
    Despite much research on the relationship between awareness and dementia little can be concluded concerning their relationship and the role of other factors. It is likely that studies capture different phenomena of awareness. This study aimed at identifying and delineating such variation by analysing data from three questionnaires obtained during the longitudinal study of awareness in 101 people with early-stage dementia. The data concerned awareness in relation to memory, activities of daily living and socio-emotional function. Significant differences in patterns (...)
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  27.  14
    Students Drum Life Stories: The Role of Cultural Universals in Project Work.Amanda Branscombe, Prentice T. Chandler & Sandra L. Little - 2017 - Journal of Social Studies Research 41 (1):53-62.
    This study describes how a primary school teacher and her students explored multiple means of communication through the use of a project on storytelling and drumming to personalize and translate cultural differences into universal human experiences they could understand. It documents how the teacher and two researchers collaborated with planning and implementing the drumming project so that it integrated social studies with multiple modes of literacy. It discusses how the teacher and researchers examined cultural universals within this project to provide (...)
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    Commentary on Little.Mark L. Weinstein - unknown
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    The First Wave of Feminism: Were the Stoics Feminists?L. Hill - 2001 - History of Political Thought 22 (1):13-40.
    The Hellenistic Schools of Epicureanism, Cynicism and Stoicism are considered to constitute the first, albeit modest, wave of feminism. But the question: ‘Were the Stoics Feminists?’ has attracted little attention due to a paucity of available evidence. What this paper attempts is a comprehensive treatment of the subject. In particular it addresses two distinct claims that have been made about the Stoic attitude to women. The first claim challenges the view that the Stoics were thoroughgoing feminists. The second is (...)
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    The Reluctant Vision. [REVIEW]L. S. W. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (4):748-748.
    This engaging little book strays far from the mainstream of recent philosophy of religion—but for good reason and to good effect. Burke repudiates the parochialism implicit in the recent preoccupation with linguistic meaning, arguments for God’s existence, and problems of immortality. Most recent texts in the field display a "relentlessly Western, even Anglo-Saxon tunnel vision", viewing only a limited form of human religiosity in terms of some narrowing perspective. Hoping to break new ground, Burke treats religion as a universal (...)
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    Pranic Healing: Documenting Use, Expectations, and Perceived Benefits of a Little-Known Therapy in the United States.Tonya L. Schuster, Maritza Jauregui, Mary D. Clark & Joie P. Jones - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (3).
    The aim of this exploratory study was to examine client demographics and expectations, reasons for use, sensations during treatment, and perceived outcomes of Pranic Healing, an energy healing system lacking in scientific documentation but whose use in the general population is becoming more widespread internationally. This study consisted of a cross-sectional survey of adults (18+ years of age) receiving care from 12 Pranic Healing practices in four different states in the U.S. (N = 179) completing online questionnaires. Closed-ended response sets (...)
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  32. Society of the Spectacle: The Little Picture.W. L. Griffen - 2001 - Journal of Thought 36 (1):35-42.
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    A clearing in the forest: law, life, and mind.Steven L. Winter - 2001 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Cognitive science is transforming our understanding of the mind. New discoveries are changing how we comprehend not just language, but thought itself. Yet, surprisingly little of the new learning has penetrated discussions and analysis of the most important social institution affecting our lives-the law. Drawing on work in philosophy, psychology, anthropology, linguistics, and literary theory, Steven L. Winter has created nothing less than a tour de force of interdisciplinary analysis. A Clearing in the Forest rests on the simple notion (...)
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    Inaccessible set axioms may have little consistency strength.L. Crosilla & M. Rathjen - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 115 (1-3):33-70.
    The paper investigates inaccessible set axioms and their consistency strength in constructive set theory. In ZFC inaccessible sets are of the form Vκ where κ is a strongly inaccessible cardinal and Vκ denotes the κth level of the von Neumann hierarchy. Inaccessible sets figure prominently in category theory as Grothendieck universes and are related to universes in type theory. The objective of this paper is to show that the consistency strength of inaccessible set axioms heavily depend on the context in (...)
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    The Hiddenness Argument: Philosophy's New Challenge to Belief in God.J. L. Schellenberg - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    In many places and times, and for many people, God's existence has been rather less than a clear fact. According to the hiddenness argument, this is actually a reason to suppose that it is not a fact at all. The hiddenness argument is a new argument for atheism that has come to prominence in philosophy over the past two decades. J. L. Schellenberg first developed the argument in 1993, and this book offers a short and vigorous statement of its central (...)
  36.  27
    Paul L. Williams, The Moral Philosophy of Peter Abelard. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1980. Pp. iii, 187. [REVIEW]Edward F. Little - 1981 - Speculum 56 (3):679-680.
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    Phenomenology of Natural Science.L. Hardy & Lester Embree (eds.) - 1992 - Washington, DC, USA: Springer Verlag.
    Contemporaryphilosophyseems a great swirling almost chaos. Every situation must seem so at the time, probably because philosophy itself resists structura tion and because personal and political factors within as well as without the discipline must fade in order for the genuinely philosophical merits of performances to be assessed. Nevertheless, some remarks can still be made to situate the present volume. For example, at least half of philosophy on planet Earth is today pursued in North America (which is not to say (...)
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  38. Roger Bacon essays.A. G. Little - 1914 - Oxford,: Clarendon press.
    On Roger Bacon's life and works, by A. G. Little.--Der einfluss des Robert Grosseteste auf die wissenschaftliche richtung des Roger Bacon, von Ludwig Baur.--La place de Roger Bacon parmi les philosophes du XIIIe siècle, par François Picavet.--Roger Bacon and the Latin vulgate, by Francis Aidan, cardinal Gasquet.--Roger Bacon and philology, by S. A. Hirsch.--The place of Roger Bacon in the history of mathematics, by David Eugene Smith.--Roger Bacon und seine verdienste um die optik, von Eilhard Wiedemann.--Roger Bacons lehre von (...)
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    Independence-friendly logic: a game-theoretic approach.Allen L. Mann - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Gabriel Sandu & Merlijn Sevenster.
    A systematic introduction suitable for readers who have little familiarity with logic. Provides numerous examples and complete proofs.
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    Philosophical Problems. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):801-801.
    For Hartnack, British philosophers of ordinary language have changed our conception of philosophy. This movement has one significant contemporary rival, however, in logical positivism, which has had little impact in Britian. He proceeds to discuss four "typical" philosophical problems, the external world, knowledge, the mind, and ethics. The decreasing length of the last two discussions corresponds to their decreasing value. This book is intended primarily for tyros in philosophy; it is not bad for that purpose, though the style is (...)
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    Decisions with Multiple Objectives.Ralph L. Keeney & Howard Raiffa - 1976 - New York: Wiley.
    This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1873 edition. Excerpt:...but it does not follow that knowledge is not good. It is more needful that I should be a good Christian, than that I should be able to make good shoes. But this, too, is needful for one who is a shoemaker, and his Christianity is to show (...)
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    Book Reviews : SCHOTTROFF, L., Lydia's Impatient Sisters: A Feminist Social History of Early Christianity (trans. B. and M. Rumscheidt; London: SCM Press, 1995). pp. 320. £19.95 limp. [REVIEW]Jim Little - 1996 - Feminist Theology 5 (13):115-117.
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    Science and Christianity in Pulpit and Pew.Ronald L. Numbers - 2007 - Oxford University Press USA.
    As past president of both the History of Science Society and the American Society of Church History, Ronald L. Numbers is uniquely qualified to assess the historical relations between science and Christianity. In this collection of his most recent essays, he moves beyond the clichés of conflict and harmony to explore the tangled web of historical interactions involving scientific and religious beliefs. In his lead essay he offers an unprecedented overview of the history of science and Christianity from the perspective (...)
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  44. Freedom as ethical practices: On the possibility of freedom through freeganism and freecycling in Hong Kong.L. Lou - 2019 - Asian Anthropology 18 (4).
    Although the idea of freedom has been well studied as an ideal in political philosophy, relatively little scholarship has focused on the human experience of freedom. Drawing on ethnographic research between 2012 and 2013, I examine how freedom was achieved by people who practice freeganism and freecycling in Hong Kong. I show that the freedom that these people pursue, either individually or collectively, is not a freedom without constraints but a freedom that must be attained through the exercise of (...)
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    Santayana and verifigationism.Timothy L. S. Sprigge - 1969 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 12 (1-4):265 – 286.
    Santayana's later philosophical writings contain a critique of pragmatism and idealism which still has a little appreciated relevance as a critique of verificationist styles of thought which remain markedly influential. He urged that cognitive thought essentially consists in positing objects the existence of which cannot be verified except by other thoughts which likewise do no more than posit objects, and moreover that in a sense all such posited objects are substances lurking behind their various appearances. Granted that this is (...)
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    "Little rapes," specious claims, and moral hubris: A reply to Korn, huelsman, Reed, and Aiello.Donald L. Mosher & Susan B. Bond - 1992 - Ethics and Behavior 2 (2):109 – 121.
    Because they failed to include our informed consent, guided imagery scenarios, and debriefing, the relevance of Korn, Huelsman, Reed, and Aiello's (1992) data remains unknown. The design of their Study 1 did not test the greater objectivity of role taking over involved participation. The design of their Study 2 did not demonstrate the effects of demand characteristics. The older "personal acquaintances" were not at higher risk of rape as they claimed. Properly gathered data from the University of Connecticut's laboratory demonstrated (...)
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    “Nixon Stonewalled the Investigation”: Potential Contributions of Grammatical Metaphor to Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Analysis.L. David Ritchie & Min Zhu - 2015 - Metaphor and Symbol 30 (2):118-136.
    Halliday’s theory of grammatical metaphor has been quite influential among scholars who study structural approaches to language but has received little attention among researchers in cognitive linguistics. In this paper we summarize the aspects of Halliday’s approach that are most relevant to cognitive linguists, and show how key aspects of grammatical metaphor are related to the analysis of lexical and conceptual metaphors. Using an example of scientific writing analyzed by Halliday as well as examples from discourse previously subjected to (...)
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    A Little Digital Help: Advancing Social Support for Transplant Patients With Technology.Macey L. Henderson & Margot Kelly-Hedrick - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (11):42-44.
    Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2019, Page 42-44.
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    The Range of Intellect. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):527-527.
    The professed aim is to make a Thomistic theory of knowledge relevant to contemporary analytic movements. Stress is laid on the dynamism of intellection, and on supraphysical esse as the only constituent of divine knowledge and as the essential feature of human knowledge. Miller also argues that knowledge through affective connaturality must be combined with intellection. Little concession is made to those not steeped in scholastic terminology. --W. L. M.
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  50. Moral Disagreement and Moral Relativism*: NICHOLAS L. STURGEON.Nicholas L. Sturgeon - 1994 - Social Philosophy and Policy 11 (1):80-115.
    In any society influenced by a plurality of cultures, there will be widespread, systematic differences about at least some important values, including moral values. Many of these differences look like deep disagreements, difficult to resolve objectively if that is possible at all. One common response to the suspicion that these disagreements are unsettleable has always been moral relativism. In the flurry of sympathetic treatments of this doctrine in the last two decades, attention has understandably focused on the simpler case in (...)
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